The book

The book

If you haven’t seen American Sniper, let me encourage you to watch the movie. Better yet, read the book and you’ll gain such a vivid impression of Chris Kyle that you’ll feel you’ve gotten to know him personally. His memoirs aren’t always politically correct and you may not agree with his black and white view of the world, but his honesty and integrity will win you over in the end.

What I loved most, of course, was his frank description of his marriage to Taya and the struggles that came from being absent for long periods, then having to adjust whenever he came home. Several chapters are from Taya’s point of view, giving the reader a real appreciation for the sacrifices made by SEAL wives. Their love and their struggle to maintain a healthy marriage  demonstrate just how hard it is for SEALs to be family men.

The hardest part about reading American Sniper is coping with the knowledge that Chris is going to die prematurely, as he was murdered shortly after publishing his autobiography. There is no way to escape the tragedy of his early passing. On the other hand, Chris Kyle was a warrior like few others. His name will go down in history. And if you read American Sniper, you’ll be one more person who fell in love with him.